Privacy Policy

The information and content with images on site are provided for convenience to our customers and we are providing a privacy policy to exhibit our organizations assurance to maintain privacy. We use your IP address to help identify and analyze problems with our server and/or to administer our Web site. This gives us an idea of which parts of our site users are visiting. We assure you that IP addresses are not used for anything personally. This means that a user’s session will be tracked, but the user will be anonymous.

An anonymized string created from your email address (also called a hash) may be provided to the Gravatar service to see if you are using it. The Gravatar service privacy policy is available here: After approval of your comment, your profile picture is visible to the public in the context of your comment.


The form provided on the website, in which you fill information like name, contact, address etc all are thoroughly utilized to communicate for business purposes. We utilize this information for further communicating about your project’s requirement and to fulfill any other query which you have etc.

    • We by all means take measures and make an attempt to keep the data/information confidential.
    • We use the information provided by you to improve our customer services and respond to your each query in a better way with any other support services you need.
    • The email address you provide is utilized to keep you updated with any of our new products/services which can aid your business and for any other routine transactions.


We maintain proper security measures on-site to protect the data, and content and to protect any loss, misuse, and/or alteration of information that is under our control. We try to protect the reliability of our site and welcome any feedback about our sites.


We use ‘cookies’ to identify you when you visit this website and to keep track of your browsing patterns and build up a demographic profile. If you do not wish your progress through the site to be tracked then your web browser should have the option to not accept cookies. This will not affect your access to the majority of information available on our website.

Your Approval

We will acknowledge it as CONSENT with our privacy policy, when you are using our site and providing any information or making a query.

Changes Privacy Policy

Any changes in privacy policy will be posted on this page, also, same will be informed through mail.

Contacting the Web Site

In case, you have any questions about this privacy statement, the practices of this site, you can contact: